Friday, December 30, 2011

Save the 2nd Amendment

Are you aware that the 2nd Amendment, our right to bear arms, may be in jeopardy?  Our current administration does not believe in the 2nd Amendment and is doing everything in their power to abolish it. 
This right was given to us by our fore fathers when they wrote the Constitution of the United States.  Now we have a fight on our hands to keep it. 
Our President Obama is in support of the Organization of American States gun control treaty.  He has gone as far as to urge the United State Senate to support the treaty.  Mr. Obama has also appointed two Supreme Court Justices, that have the same views towards the 2nd Amendment, that he has.  If he is re-elected to a 2nd term, he will more likely have the opportunity to appoint one or more Supreme Court Justices with the same views.
What can you do to save the 2nd Amendment?  The best way is to not give President Obama a second term of office.  If he is re-elected, we will have to write our elected official in Congress.  You need to inform them of your views and urge them to vote against any legislation that destroys the 2nd Amendment. 
One other way would be to join a pro gun organization, such as the National Rifle Association.  They fight every day to make sure we have the right to bear arms.
This is a fight that we have to win.  If the 2nd Amendment is taken away.  What will be next?

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